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BOT 287   
 Yahara T., 1986: Distribution of sexual and agamospermous populations od Boehmeria sylvestrii and its three relatives (Urticaceae). 12 pp. Memoirs of the National Science Museum 19: 121-132.
  50  2
BOT 288   
 Yamamoto A., Nakaike T., 1988: A note on reproductive type and the distribution of Cyrtomium falcatum s. l., Dryopteris varia var. saxifraga, and var. setosa in Aomori Prefecture, Japan. 9 pp. (in Japanese). Memoirs of the National Science Museum 21: 71-79.
  50  2
ESC 07219   
 Yamazaki K., Sugiura S., Fukasawa Y., 2004: Epizootics and behavioral alteration in the arctiid caterpillar Chionarctia nivea (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) caused by an entomopathogenic fungus, Entomophaga aulicae (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales). 5 pp. [LEP 6529] Entomological Science 7(3): 219-223.
  50  2
BOT 289   
 Yano O., 1982: Ocorrencia de Leucophanes (Leucobryaceae, Bryopsida) na Amazônia brasileira. 6 pp. Amazoniana 7(3): 349-354.
  50  2
BML 18005   
 Yano O., 2005: Adiçao as Briófitas da Reserva Natural da Vale do Rio Doce, Linhares, Espírito Santo, Brasil. [Additions to the bryophytes of the Reserva Natural da Vale do Rio Doce, Linhares, Espírito Santo, Brazil.] 44 pp. Boletim do Museu de Biologia ‘Mello Leitao’ (N.S.) 18: 5-48.
  295  12
BML 24005   
 Yano O., Peralta D. F., 2008: Briófitas do Espírito Santo existentes no Herbário Científico do Estado “Maria Eneyda P. Kauffmann Fidalgo”, Instituto de Botânica, Sao Paulo, Brasil – Bryophytes from Espírito Santo housed at Herbário Científico do Estado “Maria Eneyda P. Kauffmann Fidalgo”, Instituto de Botânica, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 96 pp. Boletim do Museu de Biologia Mello Leitao (N.S.) 24: 5-100.
  590  24
BOT 290   
 Yoshimi S., Doi Y., 1989: Japanese Gasteromycete notes (1). 13 pp. (in Japanese). Memoirs of the National Science Museum 22: 29-41.
  50  2
BOT 291   
 Yoshizaki M., 1988: Marine algea on the coast of Shiranuka, Aomori Prefecture, with special reference to algal flora of the Tsugaru Strait. 10 pp. (in Japanese). Memoirs of the National Science Museum 21: 61-70.
  50  2
BOT 292   
 Yoshizaki M., Tanaka J., 1986: Biogeography of marine algae on the Japan sea coast of Japan, with special reference to algal flora of the Noto Peninsula. 12 pp. (in Japanese). Memoirs of the National Science Museum 19: 109-120.
  50  2
AGR 73   
 Yuyama K., Aguiar J. P. L., Yuyama L. K. O., 2002: Camu-camu fruit, a fantastic source of vitamin C. 5 pp. Acta Amazonica 32(1): 169-173.
  50  2
AGR 74   
 Yuyama L. K. O., Aguiar J. P. L., Yayama K., Lopes T. M., Fávaro D. I. T., Bergl P. C. P., Vasconcellos M. B. A., 2003: Content of mineral elements in some populations of camu-camu. 6 pp. Acta Amazonica 33(4): 549-554.
  50  2

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