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DIP 2953   
 Rozkošný R., 1981: A new name and some new synonyms of Palaearctic Sciomyzidae (Diptera). 4 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 2955   
 Rozkošný R., 1982: Nemotelus pappi sp. n. and some further records of Stratiomyidae from Afghanistan (Diptera). 6 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 2956   
 Rozkošný R., 1982: Three new species of Pherbellia Robineau-Desvoidy and new synonyms of Holarctic and Palaearctic Sciomyzidae (Diptera). 6 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 2958   
 Rozkošný R., 1985: Additions and corrections to the catalogue of the palaearctic Sciomyzidae (Diptera). 6 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 2959   
 Rozkošný R., 1986: Možnosti využití středoevropských druhů čeledi Anthomyiidae (Diptera) pro bioindikaci znečištění prostředí. [A bioindicative significance of Central European Anthomyiidae (Diptera)]. 4 pp. (in Czech). 
  50  2
AEB 84106   
 Rozkošný R., 1987: Eight new synonyms of Palaearctic Sciomyzidae (Diptera). 5 pp. Acta entomologica Bohemoslovaca 84: 106-110.
  50  2
AEB 85457   
 Rozkošný R., 1988: New records of Sciomyzidae (Diptera) from Spain, including the description of a new species of Euthycera Latreille. 7 pp. Acta entomologica Bohemoslovaca 85: 457-463.
  50  2
AMS 38117   
 Rozkošný R., 1989: Nové nálezy květilek (Anthomyidae, Diptera) na území Československa. 10 pp. [DIP 2962] Acta Musei Silesiae 38A: 117-125.
  50  2
DIP 2963   
 Rozkošný R., 1989: Současný stav výzkumu řádu Diptera na území ČSSR. 7 pp. [M40] 
  50  2
EVE 622   
 Rozkošný R., 1995: Terrestrial Invertebrates of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO. Vol. 1. Archeognatha. 2 pp. [M40] 
  50  2
EVE 623   
 Rozkošný R., 1995: Terrestrial Invertebrates of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO. Vol. 1. Campodeina and Japygina. 2 pp. [M40] 
  50  2
AEP 53339   
 Rozkošný R., 2013: Two new species of Lophoteles including the first record of this genus in the Oriental Region (Diptera: Stratiomyidae). 8 pp. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 53(1): 339-346.
  50  2
DIP 4877   
 Rozkošný R., : Faunistic records from Czechoslovakia. Diptera Stratiomyidae, Milichiidae, Muscidae. 1 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 2965   
 Rozkošný R., Baez M., 1986: Larvae ot the Canary Islands Stratiomyidae (Diptera). 9 pp. 
  50  2
FEH 25063   
 Rozkošný R., Dušek J., 1972: Kritische Übersicht über die ungarischen Arten der Familie Stratiomyidae (Diptera). 32 pp. [61128] Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S.N.) 25: 63-94.
  295  12
DIP 2967   
 Rozkošný R., Gregor F., 1988: New records of Fanniidae (Diptera) from central Europe with check-list of Czechoslovak species. 9 pp. [B18] [M40] 
  50  2
DIP 2969   
 Rozkošný R., Ježek J., 1987: A recent progress of Czechoslovak Dipterology. 7 pp. 
  50  2
AEB 69417   
 Rozkošný R., Knutson L., 1972: The male of Pherbellia terminalis (Walker), comb n. and distributional notes on Sciomyzidae of Afghanistan (Diptera). 6 pp. Acta entomologica Bohemoslovaca 69: 417-422.
  50  2
FHA 13179   
 Rozkošný R., Knutson L., 2006: Two new species of Euthycera with records of Middle Asian Sciomyzidae (Diptera). 15 pp. [FHC224] [M21] [M54] Folia Heyrovskyana 13A(2005)(4): 179-193.
  95  4
DIP 6611   
 Rozkošný R., Kovac D., 1996: A new synonym and first description of the larva of Solva completa (Diptera, Xylomyidae) from the Oriental region. [Eine neue Synonymie und die Erstbeschreibung der Larve von Slova completa (Diptera, Xylomyidae) aus der Orientalischen Region.] 11 pp. Studia Dipterologica 3(2): 289-299.
  50  2
 Rozkošný R., Kovac D., 1996: The Malaysian soldier flies of the genus Ptecticus Loew 1855, including new records and descriptions of three new species (Insecta: Diptera: Stratiomyidae). 11 pp. 
  95  4
EPR 29069   
 Rozkošný R., Kovac D., 1998: Four new Oriental species of Ptecticus, with taxonomic and biological notes on some other species (Diptera: Straiomyidae). 9 pp. [M40] [DIP 2973] Entomological Problems 29(1): 69-77.
  50  2
DIP 2973   
 Rozkošný R., Kovac D., 1998: Four new Oriental species of Ptecticus, with taxonomic and biological notes on some other species (Diptera: Stratiomyidae). 9 pp. [EPR 29069] [M40] 
  50  2
SBB 82191   
 Rozkošný R., Kovac D., 2003: Seven new species of Ptecticus including new distributional records and a key to the Oriental species (Insecta, Diptera, Stratiomyidae, Sarginae). 21 pp. [63557] Senckenbergiana biologica 82(1/2): 191-211.
  195  8
DIP 2966   
 Rozkošný R., Laštovka P., Zuska J., Chvála M., 1974: The present status of faunistic research on the Diptera of Czechoslovakia, and the possibilities of its intensification. 4 pp. 
  50  2
AEB 77408   
 Rozkošný R., Nartshuk E. P., 1980: Two new species of Beris, with a key to the Palaearctic species of the genus (Diptera, Stratiomyidae). 11 pp. Acta entomologica Bohemoslovaca 77: 408-418.
  95  4
AFP 11299   
 Rozkošný R., Spitzer K., 1965: Einige Funde von Schnepfenfliegen (Rhagionidae, Diptera) aus Jugoslawien. 4 pp. [DIP 2974] Acta faunistica entomologica Musei nationalis Pragae 11(109: 299-302.
  50  2
BTE 15735   
 Rozkošný R., Spitzer K., 1965: Ergebnisse der Albanien-Expedition 1961 des Deutschen Entomologischen Institutes. 41. Beitrag. Diptera: Rhagionidae. 8 pp. [DIP 2975] Beiträge zur Entomologie 15(5-6): 735-742.
  50  2
 Rozkošný R., Vaňhara J., (eds.), 1995: Terrestrial Invertebrates of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO. Vol. 1. Lumbricidae, Gastropoda, Araneida, Pseudoscorpionida, Opilionida, Acarina, Oniscidea, Diplopoda, Chilopoda, Protura, Campodeina, Japygina, Collembola, Archeognatha, Blattodea, Mantodea, Ensifera, Caelifera, Dermaptera, Psocoptera, Thysanoptera, Heteroptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Sternorrhyncha. 208 pp.  Discount 50%!
  248  10
 Rozkošný R., Vaňhara J., (eds.), 1996: Terrestrial Invertebrates of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO. Vol. 2. Raphidioptera, Planipennia, Mecoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera 1 (Carabidae - Staphylinoidea part). 200 pp.  Discount 50%!
  248  10
 Rozkošný R., Vaňhara J., (eds.), 1996: Terrestrial Invertebrates of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO. Vol. 3. Coleoptera 2, Strepsiptera. 222 pp. [M48]  Discount 20%!
  396  16
 Rozkošný R., Vaňhara J., (eds.), 1998: Diptera of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO I. 219 pp.  Discount 20%!
  396  16
 Rozkošný R., Vaňhara J., (eds.), 1999: Diptera of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO II. 236 pp.  Discount 20%!
  396  16
 Rozkošný R., Vaňhara J., 1988: Czechoslovak dipterological literature 1976-1985. 208 pp.  Discount 20%!
  316  12.80
ASB 2604   
 Rozkošný R., Vaňhara J., 1992: Diptera (Brachycera) of the agricultural landscape in southern Moravia. 64 pp. [B15] [M18] 
  150  6
DIP 2976   
 Rozkošný R., Vaňhara J., 1995: Terrestrial Invertebrates of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO II. Diptera. 5 pp. [M40] 
  50  2
EVE 624   
 Rozkošný R., Vaňhara J., 1995: Terrestrial Invertebrates of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO. Vol. 1. Introductory part. 16 pp. 
  50  2
 Rozkošný R., Vaňhara J., 1997: Dvoukřídlí (Diptera, Brachycera) Mohelenské hadcové stepi a přilehlého údolí řeky Jihlavy. 25 pp. Acta Sci. Natur. Mus. Morav. Ociid. Třebíč, 28: 31-55
  195  8
ASB 2702   
 Rozkošný R., Vaňhara, 1993: Diptera Brachycera of a forest steppe near Brno (Hády Hill). 76 pp. [B15] [B16] 
  150  6
DIP 2977   
 Rozkošný R., Weinberg M., 1966: Die rumänischen Sciomyziden I. (Diptera). 12 pp. 
  50  2
 Rozkošný R., Weinberg M., 1979: An account of the Rumanian Stratiomyioidea (Diptera). 16 pp. 
  95  4
 Rozman K. S., 1977: Biostratigraphy and zoogeography of Upper Ordovican of North Asia and North America. 171 pp.  Discount 20%!
  396  16
FEH 57243   
 Rozner I., 1996: An updated list of the Chrysomelidae of Hungary and the adjoining parts of the Carpathian Basin (Coleoptera). 18 pp. Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S.N.) 57: 243-260.
  195  8
FEB 01075   
 Rozsypal J., 1937: Einige beiträge zur Kenntnis des Blattrippenstechers Rhynchites coenorrhinus pauxillus Germ. 12 pp. Folia entomologica 1: 75-86.
  50  2
FEB 04001   
 Rozsypal J., 1941: Příspěvek k poznání škůdce máku nosatce Stenocarus fuliginosus Mrsh. 27 pp. (in German). Folia entomologica 4: 1-27.
  150  6
 Rozsypal J., 1956: Zrnokaz hrachový (Bruchus pisorum L.) v podmínkách ČSR a boj proti němu. 20 pp. 
  95  4
DIP 6908   
 Rozsypal J., 1957: Houbová nákaza masové líhně bzučivky obecné (Calliphora vomitoria L.). 9 pp. Zoologické Listy, 20: 12-16
  50  2
AEP 39461   
 Rozsypal J., Povolný D., 1977: Zur Autökologie der Mohnkapselrüssler Ceutorrhynchus macula-alba (Herbst, 1795) und Ceutorrhynchus albovittatus (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). 48 pp. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 39: 461-508.
  250  10
AVE 298   
 Rozum O., 1935: Ptáci v Praze a okolí. Pozorování za léta 1913-1934. 24 pp. 
  50  2
PPE 77075   
 Rozwałka R., 2008: Cinetata gradata (Simon, 1881) (Araneae: Linyphiidae) – the new spider species for Poland. 4 pp. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 77(2): 75-78.
  50  2

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