Szadziewski R., Havelka P., 1984: A review of the Palaearctic biting midges of the subgenus Brachypogon (s. str.) (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). 18 pp. [61347] [M30] Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne.
AZC 372001
Szadziewski R., Kaczorowska E., Krzywinski J., 1994: The predaceous midges of the subgenus Isohelea of Brachypogon in Poland (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). 32 pp. [61348] Acta zoologica cracoviensia 37(2): 1-32.
AZC 372087
Szadziewski R., Krzeminski W., Kutscher M., 1994: A new species of Corethrella (Diptera, Corethrellida) from Miocena Saxonian amber. 4 pp. [DIP 3480] [M42] Acta zoologica cracoviensia 37(2): 87-90.
DIP 3481
Szadziewski R., Szadziewska M. M., 1985: Culex erikae sp. n. (Diptera, Culicidae) from the Baltic amber. 6 pp. [M42]
FEH 291103
Szitó A., 1976: Adatok a rizslégy (Hydrellia griseola Fallén) áttelelésének ismeretéhez. 4 pp. [DIP 3484] Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S.N.) 29(1): 103-106.
KLA 35048
Ševčík J., 1999: Faunistic records from the Czech Republic – 83. Diptera: Mycetophilidae: Manotinae. 1 pp. [M53] Klapalekiana 35(1-2): 48.
DIP 3490
Ševčík J., 2000: A new species of Symmerus from Laos (Diptera: Ditomyiidae). 2 pp. [M42]
EPR 31181
Ševčík J., 2000: A new species of Symmerus from Laos (Diptera: Ditomyiidae). 2 pp. [M42] [DIP 3490] Entomological Problems 31(2): 181-182.
DIP 3495
Šifner F., 1969: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Fauna Afghanistans. Scatophagidae, Diptera. 4 pp. [M42]
DIP 3500
Šifner F., 1978: Nálezy zajímavějších druhů čeledi Scatophagidae na území Československa (Diptera). 11 pp.
DIP 3502
Šifner F., 1981: Les résultats de l’expédition entomologique tchécoslovaque-iranienne á l’Iran en 1973. Diptera: Scatophagidae (Avec la description d’une espéce nouvelle du genre Coniosternum d’Albanie et avec le tableau analytique des espéces du genre Coniosternum Becker, 1894 paléarctiques). 10 pp. [M42]
FHA 07053
Šifner F., 1999: New genus and four new species of the family Scathophagidae (Diptera) from the Palaearctic region. 8 pp. [FHC 105] [M21] Folia Heyrovskyana 7(1): 53-60.
FHA 08193
Šifner F., 2000: Three new species of the genus Scathophaga (Diptera: Scathophagidae). 4 pp. [FHC 143] [M12]
AEP 46193
Šifner F., 2006: Norellisoma jelineki sp. nov. – a new species from the Czech Republic (Diptera: Scathophagidae). 4 pp. (in English). [M65] Acta entomologica Musei nationalis Pragae 46: 193-196.
DIP 3504
Šimek V., 1990: Chances in the quantitative ratio of phosphólipid classes in pupae of Galleria Mellonella L. After short-term and long-term exposure to a reduced environmental temperature. 5 pp. [M42]
DIP 3511
Švec J., 1956: Příspěvek k poznání druhu Prosimulium vigintiquaterni End. (Diptera, Simuliidae). 4 pp. [M42]
ASC 54235
Švec J., 1956: Příspěvek k poznání druhu Prosimulium vigintiquaterni End. (Diptera, Simuliidae). 4 pp. [M42] [DIP 3511] Acta Societatis entomologicae Cechosloveniae 54: 235-238.
ESC 09121
Takamori H., Watabe H., Fuyama Y., Zhang Y., Aotsuka T., 2006: Drosophila subpulchrella, a new species of the Drosophila suzukii species subgroup from Japan and China (Diptera: Drosophilidae). 8 pp. Entomol. Sci. 9(1): 121-128.
ESC 09079
Takenaka K., Yin J.-T., Wen S.-Y., Toda M. J., 2006: Pollination mutualism between a new species of the genus Colocasiomyia de Meijere (Diptera: Drosophilidae) and Steudnera colocasiifolia (Araceae) in Yunnan, China. 13 pp. Entomol. Sci. 9(1): 79-91.
Temu E. A., Minjas J. N., Premji Z., Hunt R. H., Shiff C. J., 1999: The use of permethrin-impregnated bednets for malaria control in coastal Tanzania: preliminary entomological impact on vectors. 10 pp. African Entomology 7(2): 233-242.
DIP 4642
Theobald F. V., 1911: Culicidae of the R. Zool. Soc. "Natura Artis Magistra", Amsterdam, and description of three new species. 8 pp.
AEP 37275
Theodor O., 1967: Lipoptena parvula, n. sp. eine neue Art aus der Tschechoslowakei (Diptera, Hippoboscidae). 4 pp. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 37: 275-278.
Thienemann A., Strenzke K., 1951: Larventyp und Imaginalart bei Chironomus s. s. 21 pp.
DIP 3548
Thomas F. A. W., 1893: Zwei hochalpine Rhopalomyia-Arten. 10 pp.
ESC 08419
Tokuda M., Harris K. M., Yukawa J., 2005: Morphological features and molecular phylogeny of Placochela Rübsaamen (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) with implications for taxonomy and host specificity. 9 pp. Entomol. Sci. 8(4): 419-427.
ESC 09261
Tokuda M., Nohara M., Yukawa J., 2006: Life history strategy and taxonomic position of gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) inducing leaf galls on Styrax japonicus (Styracaceae). 8 pp. Entomol. Sci. 9(3): 261-268.
DIP 3569
Tollet R., 1948: Un Mycetophilidae (Diptera) nouveau des Etats-Unis d’Amerique. 4 pp.
AZC 35157
Torii T., 1992: Systematic study of the genus Antocha recorded from Japan and its adjacent area (Diptera, Tipulidae). 36 pp. [61378] Acta zoologica cracoviensia 35(1): 157-192.
Townsend C. H. T., 1912: Descriptions of new genera and species of Muscoid flies from the Andean and Pacific Coast regions of South America. 67 pp.
Townsend C. H. T., 1916: New Neotropical muscoid flies. 36 pp.
DIP 3583
Townsend C. H. T., 1932: A remarkable new genus and species of two-winged flies related the Oestridae. 4 pp.
DIP 3584
Toxopeus L. J., 1925: Fauna Buruana. Diptera, Anophelinae. 2 pp.
Trägardh , 1909: Cryptopteromyia, eine neue Phoriden-Gattung mit reduzierten Flügeln, aus Natal, nebst Bemerkungen über Thaumatoxena Br. et Börn und Termitodeipnus Enderl. 21 pp. [M58]
SPX 21271
Trivinho-Strixino S., Strixino G., 1998: Goeldichironomus neopictus, a new species from the southeast of Brazil: description and bionomic information (Insecta, Diptera, Chironomidae). 8 pp. Spixiana 21(3): 271-278.
SPX 23167
Trivinho-Strixino S., Strixino G., 2000: A new species of Caladomyia Säwedal, 1981, with description of the female and immature stages (Insecta, Diptera, Chironomidae). 7 pp. Spixiana 23(2): 167-173.
SPX 27155
Trivinho-Strixino S., Strixino G., 2004: Two new species of Tanytarsus from southeast of Brazil (Insecta, Diptera, Chironomidae). 10 pp. Spixiana 27(2): 155-164.
FFA 0704
Trojan P., 1955: Tabanidae okolic Warszawy (Diptera). 9 pp. Fragmenta Faunistica 7/4: 199-207.
Trojan P., 1994: Frontoclypeal sutures of some Tabanomorpha (Diptera: Brachycera). 17 pp. Annals of the Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom 5: 35-51.
Trojan P., 1994: Supraspecific taxa of Tabaninae (Diptera: Tabanidae). I. The definition of the subfamily and its tribes. 15 pp. Annals of the Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom 5: 53-67.
Trojan P., 1994: Supraspecific taxa of Tabaninae (Diptera: Tabanidae). II. The tribe Lepidoselagini and its taxonomic division. 76 pp. Annals of the Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom 5: 97-172.
Trojan P., 1998: Supraspecific taxa of Tabanidae (Diptera: Tabanidae). III. The tribe Diachlorini and its taxonomic division. 87 pp. Annals of the Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom 8-9: 5-91.
ASC 48240
Turček F., J., 1951: The larva of Oestromyia satyrus parasitic in the vole Microtus arvalis Pall. (Hypoderm. Dipt.). 2 pp. (in Slovakian). [DIP 3601] Acta Societatis entomologicae Cechosloveniae 48: 240-241.
DIP 3608
Ulrich H., 1934: Experimentelle Untersuchungen über den Generationswechsel einer pädogenetischen Gallmücke. 6 pp.
SBB 84081
Urban C., Kopelke J. P., 2004: Mikroökosystem Weidenkätzchen (Salix spp.) – Struktur und Funktion einer spezialisierten Insektengemeinschaft (Insecta: Coleoptera: Diptera: Lepidoptera: Thysanoptera: Hemiptera: Hymenoptera). 15 pp. Senckenbergiana biologica 84(1/2): 81-95.
BTE 20005
Ussatchov D. A., 1970: Two main factors in the formation of the wing venation of Diptera. 3 Text figures, 6 pp. [DIP 3612] Beiträge zur Entomologie 20(1-2): 5-10.
ASC 60222
Vaillant F., 1962: Diptéres Psychodides recuellis par M. L. Botosaneanu et st. negrea en Roumanie. 9 pp. [DIP 3618]
ASC 60328
Vaillant F., 1963: Un diptére psychodide nouveau de Roumanie et sa larve. 5 pp. [DIP 3619]
EBA 09432
Vala J. C., 1984: Phenology of Diptera Sciomyzidae in a mediterranean forestry biotop. 9 pp. [M19] [M37] Entomologica Basiliensia 9: 432-440.
DIP 3625
Valeš J., 1972: Zpráva o výskytu pestřice pšeničné (Opomyza florum Fabr.) v Československu (Dipt., Opomyzidae). 5 pp.
DIP 3635
Vaňhara J., Rozkošný R., 1997: Long-term development of floodplain forest Diptera (Brachycera) in the lower part of the Dyje River. 7 pp.