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Acta Musei Nat. Pragae (B)


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AMP 05403 
Hanzák J., Rosický B., 1949: A contribution to our knowledge of some representatives of the orders of the Insectivora and Rodentia in Slovakia. 76 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 5B(4): 3-77.
  495  20
AMP 08103 
Hanzák J., 1952: The great crested grebe, Podiceps c. cristatus (L.), its ecology and economic significance. 35 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 8B(1): 3-37.
  295  12
AMP 11103 
 Hoffer A., 1955: The phylogeny and taxonomy of the family Encyrtidae (Hym., Chalcidoidea). 20 pp. [51015] [M25]  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 11B(1): 3-22.
  195  8
AMP 17001 
Hoffman V., 1961: Geochemically–mineralogical relations of polymetallical veins in the ore district Vrančice near Milín (Bohemia). 55 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 17B(1-2): 1-55.
  295  12
AMP 17189 
Holub J., 1961: Taxonomische Studie über die tschechoslowakischen Arten der Gattung Avenochloa Holub. 55 pp. [88027]  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 17B(5): 189-243.
  295  12
AMP 20241 
Hak J., Kvaček M., Johan Z., 1964: Chemical-mineralogical investigation of chalcostibite from the Nízké Tatry Mts. 16 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 20B(5): 241-256.
  50  2
AMP 22027 
Hoffman V., Novák F., 1966: Axinite and barium-adularia from Chvaletice in the Železné hory. 20 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 22B(1): 27-46.
  95  4
AMP 23033 
Heráň I., 1967: Beitrag zur Ethologie des Manul, Otocolobus manul (Pallas, 1776) (Felidae, Mammalia). 30 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 23B(2): 33-62.
  250  10
AMP 26079 
Hofman V., Trdlička Z., Kropáček J., Kupka F., 1970: Niobo – Tantalate im Cassiterit von Cínovec. 16 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 26B(4): 79-94.
  50  2
AMP 30049 
Hluštík A., 1974: Contribution to the systematic and leaf anatomy of the genus Dammarites Presl in Sternberg. 52 pp. [88026]  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 30B(1-2): 49-70.
  295  12
AMP 30091 
Hussien F. H., 1974: Somatomeric differences between the ethnic groups of Egyptian nubian women. 6 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 30B(3): 91-96.
  50  2
AMP 31091 
Hanáková H., Martinec V., Vyhnánek L., 1975: Baroque-period burials from St. Henry’s church in the Prague New Town. 17 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 31B(1-2): 91-107.
  95  4
AMP 31109 
Holý F., 1975: On some new species from the mastixiacxeae-flora Taphocenose from the Miocene near Hrádek nad Nisou (Zittau Basin, north Bohemia). 14 pp. [BOT70]  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 31B(3-5): 109-122.
  50  2
AMP 31123 
Holý F., 1975: Representatives of the family Mastixiaceae Calestani 1905 in the Bohemian Tertiary. 25 pp. [88028]  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 31B(3-5): 123-147.
  150  6
AMP 32001 
Holý F., 1976: The assemblage of autochtonous coal plant-remains from the Miocene near Hrádek nad Nisou (Zittan basin, north Bohemia). 13 pp. [BOT71]  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 32B(1): 1-13.
  50  2
AMP 32015 
Hurník S., 1976: Die fossilen Arten der Gattung Woodwardia Smith, 1793 und ihre Vertretung im Nordböhmischen Tertiär. 32 pp. [88029]  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 32B(1): 15-46.
  195  8
AMP 32057 
Hanáková H., Stloukal M., Vyhnánek L., 1976: Skelette aus dem slawisch–awarischen Gräbefeld in Virt. 57 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 32B(2-4): 57-113.
  295  12
AMP 33001 
Hoberlandt L., Štys P., 1977: Tamopocoris asiaticus gen. and sp. n. – a new Aphelocheirine from Vietnam and further studies on Naucoridae (Heteroptera). 20 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 33B(1-2): 1-20.
  195  8
AMP 33159 
Hanáková H., Stloukal M., Muška J., 1977: Antropologische Funde aus Nordwestböhmen, die aus den älteren Fonds des Kreismuseums in Teplice übernommen wurden. 118 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 33B(3-4): 159-266.
  495  20
AMP 34061 
Hanáková H., Racek J., Brázdová J., Vovsová E., 1978: Anthropological and stomatological researchj of the skull from ossuary in Mělník. 30 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 34B(2-4): 61-90.
  195  8
AMP 34107 
Hejl V., Pechar F., Pivec E., Rykl D., Ulrych J., 1978: Stabilität naturlichen albits in hydrothermalem medium bei 50 Mpa und 350 °C. 22 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 34B(2-4): 107-118.
  95  4
AMP 37001 
Hanáková H., Vyhnánek L., 1981: Paläopathologische Befunde aus dem Gebiet der Tschechoslowakei. 76 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 37B(1): 1-76.
  150  6
AMP 37193 
Heráň I., 1981: Comments to interrelations between some characters of neurocranium and development of zygomatic arch in Mustelidae. 12 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 37B(3-4): 193-204.
  50  2
AMP 41239 
 Hoberlandt L., 1986: Results of the Czechoslovak-Iranian entomologicka expeditions to Iran 1970, 1973 and 1977. Heteroptera: Alydidae. 21 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 41B(1985)(3-4): 239-259.
  195  8
AMP 42073 
Hanáková H., Gabriel F., Vyhnánek L., 1986: Slavonic burial ground in Litoměřice, Plešivecká street. 26 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 42B(1-2): 73-98.
  150  6
AMP 45073 
 Hoberlandt L., 1989: Results of the Czechoslovak-Iranian Entomological Expeditions to Iran 1970, 1973 and 1977 Heteroptera: Coreidae. 17 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 45B(2): 73-89.
  150  6
AMP 52101 
Holcová K., 1996: Monspeliensina and Spiroloxostoma, paleogeographicalla significant foraminiferal fenera from the “Rzehakia (Oncophora) Beds” (Upper Ottnangian, Miocene) in the South Slovak Basin (Central Paratethys). 10 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 52B(1-4): 101-110.
  50  2

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