Tronquet M., (ed.), 2014-2018: Catalogue des Coleopteres de France. 1052 pp. + Index, errata, données nouvelles (supplément no. 1). 184 pp. + Supplément n° 2. 42 pp. + Supplément n° 3. 13 pp. + Supplément n° 4. 20 pp. Sleva 30%!
Thomson C. G., 1862: Skandinaviens insekter, en handbok i entomologi, till elementar-läroverkens tjenst (med öfver 100 i texten tryckte figurer). Ordinary
condition. Sleva 20%!
Boukal M., 2017: Brouci čeledi Haliplidae (plavčíkovití) střední Evropy. Brouci čeledi Byrrhidae (vyklenulcovití) střední Evropy. Beetles of the family Haliplidae of Central Europe. Beetles of the family Byrrhidae of Central Europe.
Queney P., 2016: Catalogue des coleopteres de la region parisienne. Myxophaga, Adephaga, Polyphaga aquatiques ou semaiquatiques et Hydrophiloidea terrestres (adultes). 306 pp. Sleva 20%!
Růžička J., Jakubec P., 2016: Agyrtidae, Silphidae. Icones insectorum Europae centralis. Second edition with more information and improved colour pictures.
Pierre J., Bernaud D., 2013: Le genre Acraea Fabricius, 1807. II sous-genre Acraea. Bauer E. & Frankenbach T. (eds.): Butterflies of the World. Supplement 22. 27 pp. (in English). Sleva 20%!
Pierre J., Bernaud D., 2013: Nymphalidae XXIII. Acraea subgenus Acraea. Bauer E. & Frankenbach T. (eds.): Butterflies of the World. Part 39. 28 plates, 8 pp. (in English).
Bousquet Y., 2002: Additions and corrections to the world catalogue of genus-group names of Geadephaga (Coleoptera) published by Wolfgang Lorenz (1998). 78 pp. (in English).
Král D., Rejsek J., 1999: The Liatongus species with moveable clypeal horn (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). 18 pp. Farkač J., 1999: Checklist of the genus Leistus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Nebriini) from China with description of twenty-three new species. 40 pp. (in English).
Wittmer W., 1997: Revision der im südlichen Afrika vorkommenden Arten der Gattungen Pelochroides und Afropelochrus gen. nov., nebst Beschreibung weiterer Malachiidae (Coleoptera: Malachiidae). 38. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Fauna Afrikas. 131 pp. (in German).