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FEH 461247   
 Vasárhelyi T., 1985: Közlemények. Békés megye bogárfaunája III. Staphylinidae 2. – Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) The Coleoptera fauna of the county Békés (SE Hungary) III. Staphylinidae 2. – Hydrophilidae. 31 pp. (in German). Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S.N.) 46(1): 247-277.
  250  10
KLA 42189   
 Vávra J. C., 2006: Faunistic records from the Czech Republic – 204. Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Tachyporinae, Aleocharinae; Eucinetidae; Eucnemidae; Dermestidae; Melandryidae. 4 pp.  Klapalekiana 42(1-3): 189-192.
  50  2
KLA 51257   
 Vávra J. C., 2015: Faunistic records from the Czech Republic – 391. Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Coloninae, Buprestidae. 2 pp. Klapalekiana 51(3-4): 257-258.
  50  2
AEP 55085   
 Vávra J. C., 2015: Review of the subgenus Attumbrinus (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae: Philomessor), with description of Philomessor lackneri sp. nov. from Morocco. 19 pp. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 55(1): 85-103.
  195  8
KLA 47105   
 Vávra J. C., Štourač P., Mantič M., 2011: Faunistic records from the Czech Republic – 313. Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pseudopsinae, Omaliinae, Oxytelinae, Euaesthetinae, Paederinae, Staphylininae, Tachyporinae, Aleocharinae. 10 pp, (in English). Klapalekiana 47(1-2): 105-114.
  50  2
KLA 47275   
 Vávra J. Ch., 2011: Faunistic records from the Czech Republic – 324. Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Micropeplinae, Proteininae, Oxytelinae, Steninae, Staphylininae, Tachyporinae, Aleocharinae. 4 pp. (in English).  Klapalekiana 47(3-4): 275-278.
  50  2
KLA 38117   
 Vávra J. Ch., Krásenský P., 2002: Faunistic records from the Czech Republic – 148. Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae. 2 pp. Klapalekiana 38(1-2): 117-118.
  50  2
STA 1607   
 Vávra J., 1995: Coleoptera: Staphylionidea 2 (Leiodidae). In: Rozkošný R., Vaňhara J., (eds.): Terrestrial Invertebrates of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of Unesco, II. 5 pp. [M38] 
  50  2
KLA 33128a   
 Vávra J., 1997: Faunistic records from the Czech Republic – 70. Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Coloninae. 1 pp. Klapalekiana 33(1-2): 128.
  50  2
KLA 34243   
 Vávra J., 1998: Distribution of the genus Choleva (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae) in Turkey with description of three new species from Turkey and Syria. 20 pp. [M53] Klapalekiana 34(3-4): 243-262.
  150  6
KLA 38119   
 Vávra J., 2002: Faunistic records from the Czech Republic – 149. Coleoptera: Carabidae; Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae, Staphylininae, Aleocharinae; Nitidulidae; Salpingidae; Anthribidae. 4 pp. [M52] Klapalekiana 38(1-2): 119-122.
  50  2
EPR 242035   
 Vávra J., Schillhammer H., 1993: Philonthus hanae sp. nov. from Moravia (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). 3 pp. (in English). Entomological Problems 24(2): 35-37.
  50  2
MSG 52409   
 Vit S., 1979: Deuxieme contribution a la connaissance du genre Eucinetus Germar (Col., Eucinetidae): révision des especes de la région éthiopienne. 7 pp. Mitt. Schweiz. entomol. Ges. 52(4): 409-415.
  95  4
KLA 35059   
 Vít S., 1999: Miscellaneous contributions to the knowledge of Scydmaenidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 13 pp. [M53] Klapalekiana 35(1-2): 59-71.
  95  4
ASZ 68287   
 Vit S., 2004: Notes on Horaeomorphus occurring in Nepal (Coleoptera: Scydmaenidae). 13 pp. Acta Societatis zoologicae Bohemicae 68(4): 287-299.
  95  4
EPR 361067   
 Vit S., 2006: Description of a highly specialised Euconnus from Thailand and its cranial particularities (Coleoptera: Staphylinoidea: Scydmaenidae). 8 pp. (in English). Entomological Problems 36(1): 67-74.
  50  2
EPR 361075   
 Vit S., 2006: On Euconnus cerastiventris nom. nov. for Euconnus chinensis (Coleoptera: Staphylinoidea: Scydmaenidae). 4 pp. (in English). Entomological Problems 36(1): 75-78.
  50  2
SAR 04263   
 Vít S., 2008: Contribution to the systematics of the genus Scydmaenus (Coleoptera: Scydmaenidae). 4 pp. Studies and reports of District Museum Prague-East 4(1-2): 263-266.
  50  2
SAR 04267   
 Vít S., 2008: On Scydmaenus schwendingeri sp. n. and its tegumental secretory structures (Coleoptera: Staphylinoidea. Scydmaenidae). 10 pp. Studies and reports of District Museum Prague-East 4(1-2): 267-276.
  50  2
SAR 07441   
 Vit S., 2011: A description of Euconnus (Euconophron) alesi sp. nov., first Palaerctic Euconnus with cranial modifications (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scydmaeninae). 6 pp. (in English). Studies and Reporsts, Taxonomical Series 7(1-2): 441-446.
  50  2
EPR 28095   
 Vít S., Hlaváč P., 1997: Euconnus (subg. Tetramelus) from Caucasus and Turkey (Coleoptera: Scydmaenidae). 9 pp. Entomological Problems 28(2): 95-103.
  95  4
EPR 29139   
 Vít S., Hlaváč P., 1998: Review of Euconnus (Tetramelus) of the reitteri group (Coleoptera: Scydmaenidae). 10 pp. [15736] Entomological Problems 29(2): 139-147.
  95  4
BZB 61049   
 Volker A., 2012: A revision of East Palaearctic Lobrathium (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae). 80 pp. (in English).  Bonn zoological Bulletin 61(1): 49-128.
  590  24
KLA 51071   
 Vonička P., 2015: První nálezy drabčíka Platydomene distinctiventris (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae v Čechách a poznámky k rozšíření a výskytu P. distinctiventris a P. sodalis v České republice. (First records of the rove beetle Platydomene distinctiventris (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae. Paederinae) in Bohemia, and notes on the distribution and occurrence of P. distinctiventris and P. sodalis in the Czech Republic). 6 pp. Klapalekiana 51(1-2): 71-76.
  50  2
AEP 33327   
 Všetečka K., 1959: Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Zoologischen Expedition des National-Museums in Prag nach der Türkei. 28. Coleoptera. Pselaphidae, Scydmaenidae. 5 pp. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 33: 327-331.
  50  2
STA 1616   
 Všetečka K., 1959: Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Zoologischen Expedition des National-Museums in Prag nach der Türkei. 28. Coleoptera. Pselaphidae, Scydmaenidae. 5 pp. [AEP 33327] [M38] 
  50  2

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