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TextCatNo   TextTitle CZKEUR basket selection

AMP 07403 
Fiala F:, 1951: Diabase and Eeilburgite Rocks of the Lower Ordovician at Chyňava. 32 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 7B(4): 3-34.
  195  8
AMP 08004 
 Fassati M., 1952: The origin of the Holarctic species of the genus Amara Bon.) (Carabidae, Coleoptera). [O původu holarktických druhů rodu Amara Bon.] 21 pp. (in English, Czech and Russian introduction). [B23] [M25] [AMP 08403]  
  150  6
AMP 08403 
 Fassati M., 1952: The origin of the Holarctic species of the genus Amara Bon.) (Carabidae, Coleoptera). [O původu holarktických druhů rodu Amara Bon.] 21 pp. (in English, Czech and Russian introduction). [B23] [M25] [AMP 08004]  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 8B(4): 3-23.
  150  6
AMP 08503 
Fiala F., 1952: Alkali Basalts (Basanitoids) from Tekovská Breznica and Brehy near Nová Baňa in Slovakia. 42 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 8B(5): 3-44.
  250  10
AMP 10203 
Fiala F., 1954: Dumortierite from Miskovice, Czechoslovakia. 36 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 10B(2): 3-38.
  195  8
AMP 13001 
Färber G., Hovězová-Vondrová O., 1957: Symbiosen und Metabiosen in faulendem Obst. 23 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 13B(1-2): 1-23.
  150  6
AMP 21283 
Fediuk F., 1965: Plagioklasové srůsty v horninách české větve moldanubika. 25 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 21B(5): 283-307.
  150  6
AMP 30097 
Ferák V., Pospíšil M. F., 1974: Difital and palmar dermatoglyphs in three ethnic groups of Egyptian nubian. 8 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 30B(3): 97-104.
  50  2
AMP 34001 
Fiala F., 1978: Tectonomagmatic relationship of the paleovolcanics of the Železné hory Mts. 24 pp. (in Czech).  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 34B(1): 1-24.
  95  4
AMP 36035 
Fiala F., Kouřimský J., 1980: Cronstedtite from Chyňava – ČSSR. 8 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 36B(1): 35-42.
  50  2
AMP 54061 
Flasarová M., 1999: Bericht über Isopoden (Asellota et Oniscidea) im slowakischen Donaugebiet. 18 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 54B(1998)(3-4): 61-78.
  150  6

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